Friday, April 11, 2008

Entrail Breath

We are off to Glasgow, Scotland for a quick weekend adventure. Hat tip to Mark for the suggestion and for the recommendations on what to see and do.

Mark suggested that I be adventurous and try haggis. I knew haggis was a traditional Scottish dish. I vaguely remember that it contained some "interesting" ingredients. Well, it turns out those ingredients include sheep heart, liver and lungs. Traditionally, they are encased and cooked in a sheep's stomach. I get queasy thinking about it. Still, I consider myself a trouper, maybe even a Super Trouper.

So, I thought I would find a bonnie Scottish restaurant and order it. I ran this idea past TJ. Having described haggis to him in detail, his main concern was that I might get "entrail breath." He does have a point.

1 comment:

sileru said...

so yesterday I thought to myself "Self, what do you think Chris is up to?". So today I thought I would find out, having just recalled you were going to blog your travels. How exciting to know that I happened to pick a day when the topic was on entrails. :)
Anyway, seems like you are having fun and doing lots of exploring. Glad to hear it! Keep it up and enjoy the warmer weather!