Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Skyr: The Gelato of Iceland

I hadn't really given much thought to what food marvels I might discover in Iceland. If any, I assumed it would be a fish dish. But, on the Icelandair flight to Reykjavik, they served a creamy deliciousness called skyr. The in-flight magazine described it as a type of cheese product made from skim milk. But, it really fits into the yogurt family. However, in Iceland, they use the product in all types of dishes. So, it's not just a dessert sensation. Regardless, with low fat and high protein what's not to like. Skyr.is is the most prominent skyr product.

The taste is very familiar and, yet, quite different. I am tempted to say that it had a taste doppleganger in Yoplait's Custard Style Yogurt. But, I believe, Yoplait has changed the name (now Thick and Creamy), packaging, and maybe even the taste
of that product since I last tried it. Damn those marketing execs!

Fret not, eager Americans, Whole Foods offers
this delectable, cultured product in select regions of the country. I can only imagine what unimaginable price they charge for it, but try it anyway. At least once. Hopefully, it won't eat up your entire paycheck. For those of you in the rest of the world (myself included), a(nother) trip to Iceland is in order.

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