Monday, March 23, 2009

Shopping Cart Rentals

Pay a deposit to obtain a shopping cart. Get the deposit back when you return the cart. This sounds like a strange concept to some of you. But, the system is common throughout Europe. And it works quite well. Of particular interest to Americans, you see few, if any, shopping carts that have strayed far from their respective store parking lots. As a former grocery store employee (more than 25 years ago), I can attest to the straying nature of shopping carts. They just like to roam.

So, the system is quite simple. There are two slots for coins; one each for a 5 kronor or a 10 kronor coin. Depending on the exchange rate, that works out to something over $0.50 to less than $1.75 for your shopping excursion. So, in most cases, you really do want that coin back. Insert the coin into the slot and the chain connecting your cart to the one behind it is released. Reverse the process after shopping by reconnecting the chain to your cart. Voila! Coinage retrieved.

And, yes, TJ and I shop at Willy:s. We like Willy:s. Um, I mean we like to shop at Willy:s. Oh, you know what I mean.


Ren said...

What you did there: I see it.

Unknown said...

The Kartloks will increase the aesthetic appeal of your parking areas, reduce your customers' parking lots fears and frustrations, reduce theft, and reduce the number of cart accidents in the parking lot. Put simply this also means it reduces the need to purchase replacements. Kartlok will also reduce the number of staff hours you need to devote to rounding up carts in parking areas. With all these savings, the Kartloks will pay for themselves many times over in a very short period.
Please for mor info visit